Sumit Rajasthan Reisen

Red Fort


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Aktuelle Kommentare/Beurteilungen meiner Gäste

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We had an absolutely fantastic experience. We reached out to Randhir to let him know we only had 48 hours to see what Delhi had to offer as well as a trip to the Taj Mahal. Randhir responded very quickly and outlined exactly what he could offer as well as the price, Randhir was on hand to answer any questions prior to our arrival. Upon arrival, Randhir was waiting with a sign that he had shown us via email already. He outlined who our driver would be, as well as what he had arranged, including a Delhi tour and overnight Agra tour with the same driver as well as a guide to take us around the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. Both our driver and guide were very friendly and knowledgeable, and took us to great places for food.
In summary, this was absolutely the perfect option for our short trip, taking away any stress and organisation, the flower garland upon arrival was a lovely touch!

golden triangle tour with Pushkar by Car
Excellent trip, guide and driver
He was an excellent tour guide, he met us as planned at the airport, everything was as described and the driving was safe and comfortable. He spoke excellent english. Throughly recommended and we will use this company again when in India

We booked our one week trip to Delhi and Rajasthan using Sumit Rajastham Travel. During the booking process, Randhir was quick to respond to our requests and quickly drew up an itinerary, whilst also being open to any changes we wanted. We decided to book our own hotels as we like making sure we stay in places that meet our expectations. However, Randhir also offers the possibility to book hotels through him and is happy to recommend places to stay, if asked. His recommendation in Jaipur was a pretty, serene haveli which we thoroughly enjoyed and also the stay in Neemrana Fort Palace was stunning. Overall, the booking and planning process was very reliable and left me with a great impression before the trip.
During our actual tour, Randhir was always courteous, on time and made sure the car was in an impeccable condition, including water bottles which were replaced daily. He skillfully and patiently navigated through the intense and sometimes chaotic Indian traffic, especially in Delhi and Jaipur. We felt safe at all times. One of the highlights of our trip was also the visit to his family home where we got to meet his family and could sample their food as well as their culture.
We can only recommend Randhir for anybody who wants a safe, efficient and reliable way to travel through Rajasthan.

golden triangle tour with ranthambore by Car
Fantastic travel company
An amazing trip going around the cities and Rathambore. Great friendly and help driver. The company is great at helping you organise what you want to do on the trip and where you want to go.
Edinburgh - UK

20 March 2024
Fantastic golden triangle trip
Randhir organised a fantastic 5-day trip around the golden triangle. Before getting to India he was very responsive to any queries, and changed our itinerary around to make sure we could do the holi festival in Jaipur as we wanted.
Once in India, the trip was fabulous with knowledgeable local guides, good hotels and a fantastic driver who always made us feel safe out on the crazy roads. Randhir also booked our onwards train travel and made sure we arrived at Delhi station with plenty of time before our train, and ensured we knew what we were doing with finding our train/carriage and seats before he left us. I can't recommend him and his company highly enough.

Mar 2024. Friends Second time round for me with randir with 3 friends. Great time had by all. Pick up from dehli Airport then a dehli city tour. Day 2 drive to randirs home and village, he's family are truly welcoming and enjoyed amazing food then walked around he's village. After lunch we drove to jaipur visiting temple on.the way. The next morning we were picked up from.our hotel and saw the sights of jaipur. The next day we drove to agra visiting temples on the way. Early on day 3 we visited the taj mahal to watch the sunrise. Wow!!
Thank you Randir and your family
Andrew S

Excellently organized tour
Feb 2024 Couples - golden triangle tour with Pushkar by Car
We had an organized tour of 8 days in the Golden Triangle. The tour was organized for us by Mr. Randhir Singh, whom we can sincerely recommend. Communication via email/Whatsapp worked without any problems. Mr.Randhir speaks and writes good English. We booked the hotels ourselves in advance.
The complete tour Mr. Randhir has precisely planned from the first day at the airport in Jaipur to our departure from Delhi. Mr. Randhir was very attentive, so we felt safe and comfortable throughout the trip.
His car is new, well-maintained, always cleaned, and he is an excellent and safe driver. He also always gave us tips to avoid falling into every tourist trap and organized good guides in all places. Thanks to Mr. Randhir, we saw and learned a lot about this part of India, and we are happy that he organized it perfectly for us. The best recommendations from our side.

Great road trip. We had a great time.
We booked a 5 day tour from Delhi to Jaipur with a stop in Agra. Randhir provided a nice SUV (Kia Carens) and he was also the driver. He was very professional, courteous, and knowledgeable. He always showed up on time and also very accommodating to our needs and schedule. We had a great time, thanks to his local knowledge of restaurants, guides, and shopping places.
Escape - Jan 2024 Family

Abbiamo contattato il Sig. Randhir x mail spiegandogli quali posti avremmo voluto visitare e lui ci ha organizzato il giro di due settimane consigliandoci in quali città sostare, aggiungendo posti magnifici da visitare . Alcuni alberghi ci sono stati consigliati da lui, altri li abbiamo prenotati noi cercando su Internet. Il prezzo da lui proposto è molto onesto, ma quello che ci ha sorpreso è stata la sua completa disponibilità a modificare il programma strada facendo secondo le nostre esigenze . Ci ha sempre dato consigli su come comportarci con la gente del posto e ci ha organizzato le guide in lingua italiana nelle città da noi scelte.
La macchina era sempre pulita, rifornita con caramelle e bottiglie di acqua e cosa veramente eccezionale, con wifi !!
Non possiamo che raccomandarlo .

I can not recommend Randhir enough!! He was absolutely brilliant from start to finish. I contacted him via messenger and he always responded immediately. He gives clear instructions and information for collection and at all times we felt totally safe in the madness of Delhi traffic. He is very welcoming, knowledgeable and a very safe driver. He arranged for our guide 'Jeet' at the Taj Mahal who was brilliant. He purchased our tickets helped skip all the queues and also took the best photographs!! Randhir will do all he possibly can to make sure your time in India is the best possible experience. Our car was comfortable with air conditioning and even Wi-fi.
Thankyou to Randhir and Jeet for making this once in a lifetime trip so special. We will be back!

29.12.2019 - 11.1.2020
Assolutamente consigliata la compagnia del Signor Randhir. Noi abbiamo scelto un itinerario non del tutto classico da Delhi a Varanasi e ci siamo lasciate suggerire uno stop a Chitrakoot che altrimenti non avremmo mai fatto ed è stata una delle tappe più suggestive del viaggio.
Il nostro driver, Nandu, è sempre stato puntuale, attento e la macchina era sempre pulita e la sua guida impeccabile. Consigliato anche per donne che viaggiano da sole.

28.12.2019 - 6.1.2020
Non ci sono parole per descrivere lo splendore visto in questi 12 giorni passati in Rajasthan. l'India mi e' rimasta proprio nel cuore.Io e la mia famiglia vogliamo ringraziare di tutto cuore il nostro driver Sakatar SINGH, che ci ha permesso di fare questa esperienza nel migliore dei modi, portandoci in ristoranti meravigliosi, consigliandoci su cosa mangiare, cosa vedere, cosa fotografare. e poi... umanamente eccezionale. grazie anche per la pazienza, per le soste fatte in ogni momento per fare foto. ottima organizzazione, auto con wifi, e comoda. grazie ancora.

26.12.2019 - 10.1.2020
have just left India after having the most amazing time with my family in Rajasthan! My two friends from home reccomend us to go with Sumit Rajasthan Travel as they used Randhir and his team last year and had a lovely time.
From start to finish communication was great and speedy. We wanted to do the golden triangle tour for roughly two weeks but didn't know where to start when planning it ourselves as it's quite overwhelming!
Randhir wrote an itinery out for us including what we would be seeing and the hotels we would be staying in-which was ideal! He said we could make changes to the itinary to suit us and also make changes to any of the hotels before he went ahead and booked them. ( You can also chose to book your hotels yourself if you want) We decided to stay two nights in a few places which I would highly reccomend as sometimes one night just isn't enough after travelling in the car, even three nights would be ideal for the major cities depending on your time frame. Once in India we met Randhir, he was so very welcoming and friendly and clearly went through itinery before we set off the following day.
He was not taking us on the tour but he ensured us if there was ever a problem to just call him and he would be at the end of the phone.
Our driver was Dharmender, he was the nicest, friendliest, chilled guy and truly made our holiday so so special!
He looked after us, made sure we were okay at all times and never got annoyed with us for being late, nothing was ever a problem. We enjoyed chatting to him on the long journeys about his family, Indian history, culture and listening to his music playlist which we loved! If we ever wanted to go anywhere additional and make any last minute changes he was happy to take us there. If ever there was a good photo opportunity he would always stop the car too!
The car itself ( we went for the bigger car option) comfortably sat four passengers and all our luggage, the seats were big with arm rests and having the WiFi in the car was great! Dharmender cleaned it every day and kept it in immaculate condition, it smelt so good!
The hotels that we stayed in were mid range and 3/4 star we changed a few hotels on the initial itinerary and paid a little bit more which was definitely worth it and would reccomend if your able to do so. ( Ram Pratap hotel in Udaipur was beautiful!)
We saw so many amazingly beautiful things whilst on this trip and we wouldn't of been able to see half the amount if we didn't book this tour / so thank you Randhir and Dharmender for the most amazing time, we will remember it forever!
P.s If going to Udaipur, I would highly reccomend the Gem Arts Emporium for jewellery. Good quality and very fairly priced with lovely helpful staff. Also in Jaisalmer we went to a lovely puppet show at the Desert Culture and Museum. If your interested in textiles on the way to Jaipur we went to a textile block print factory called Jai Texart which was one of our highlights of the trip as we were able to try out some block printing and watch the process of printing from start to finish!
Thank you again Sumit travel for looking after us and showing us your magical country we will be back, Highly reccomend!!

Dopo tre anni ci siamo nuovamente affidati ai servizi di Randhir per il nostro tour in Rajastan. Ottimo servizio, serio e preparato il conducente, auto sempre pulita ogni giorno, ottimi consigli che potrete seguire o meno. Ciligina sulla torta, l'auto à dotata di wifi veloce e potente. Super consigliato! Grazie ancora Randhir.

Randhir made our time in India an incredible experience! We were only here for a short time and Randhir ensured we made the most of every minute. With his great restaurant recommendations, safe driving and perfect knowledge of this amazing country. Randhir speaks great English and would do anything we wanted and fit around any plans we had.
Even just having the knowledge of where safe cash machines were was a massive help. He took us to many great sights through Delhi many we didn't even know existed but were beautiful. Randhir got us a guide around the Taj Mahal and Red Fort and the knowledge and photos the guide took we will treasure forever! I work in Travel and I cannot recommend Randhir and his services enough!! Thank you Randhir!!

Wir machten mit Randhirs Firma Sumit Travel im November 2019 für 3 Wochen eine Rajasthan Rundreise. Da wir die Hotels über, usw. bereits vorgebucht hatten und auch konkret wussten, was genau wir wo sehen wollten, benötigten wir keine organisierte Reise, sondern nur einen PKW mit Fahrer. Die Kommunikation per E-mail im Vorfeld der Reise mit Randhir war gut, der von Randhir geforderte Reise-Preis war (im Vergleich mit Konkurrenzangeboten) ebenfalls gut und so entschieden wir uns aus der Menge der tripadvisor-Bewertungen diverser Fahrer/Firmen heraus für die Firma von Randhir.
Unsere Sorge, dass bei unserer Ankunft in Delhi vielleicht doch niemand auf uns wartet, war zum Glück vollkommen unbegründet; alles klappte hervorragend, unser Fahrer Nandu wartete pünktlich zum verabredeten Zeitpunkt am Flughafen auf uns.
Überhaupt: Nandu war ein sehr zuverlässiger, souveräner Fahrer (er war früher mal Busfahrer für Thomas Cook Reisen), dem man im chaotischen indischen Strassenverkehr blind vertrauen konnte. Er war jeden Morgen pünktlich zur Stelle um uns dahin zu fahren, wo wir hinwollten. Und (war für uns auch wichtig) er hat nie versucht (im Gegensatz zu scheinbar mach anderen Fahrern von anderen Firmen), uns in irgendein Geschäft oder zu irgendeinem 'Freund' zu schleppen, damit er eine Provision erhält.
Kurz gesagt : wir waren sowohl mit Randhirs Firma als auch mit unserem Fahrer sehr zufrieden und können beide wirklich uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Wir wünschen Randhir und seiner kleinen Firma weiterhin gutes Gelingen und möchten uns hier nochmals bei Nandu bedanken: du hast einen tollen Job gemacht, vielen Dank dafür
Christiane, Germany

Randhir est un chauffeur très agréable, attentionné, disponible et de bon conseil. Dans chaque ville -étape, il nous a conseillé les lieux à découvrir, des restaurants avec un bon rapport qualité prix, et des hôtel bien situés (ça, avant le voyage). Il nous a même trouvé des guides et des centres de massage sur demande au fil de l'eau. Nous nous sommes toujours sentis en sécurité au milieu du trafic.

5.-12.10.2019 La semana pasada un grupo de 6 amigos decidimos irnos a la India y contratar los servicios de Randhir. Nos vino a recoger al aeropuerto y desde ese momento hasta el final de nuestro viaje estuvo con nosotros. El coche era muy comodo y teniamos Wifi, que no contabamos con ello y fue un plus! Personalmente, me encanto la experiencia, hicimos el golden triangle con el, y en todo momento nos sentimos super seguros y muy comodos. Nos llevo por muchos pueblos, nos explico mercados q los q teniamos que ir y siempre fue super puntual con nosotros. Si alguien esta pensando en contratar sus servicios, no lo duden, yo desde luego si vuelvo a India repito con el!
Thanks Randhir for all your guidance during our trip with you last week.

Myself and four friends went to India and Randhir Singh was excellent! He picked us up promptly and drove us to the Taj Mahal. His vehicle is extremely comfortable and he provides pillows. He organised a tour guide for us which was brilliant and he was there waiting for us to bring us back. I would highly recommend Randhir's services and will be using him again!

Ottimo servizio di driver per visitare l'India del Nord con possibilità di accordare altre tappe a scelta:noi abbiamo visitato anche Agra, Orchha, Kajurhao, Chitrakot e Varanasi. Macchina spaziosa, comoda e dotata di wi-fi. Anil è stato per noi ottimo driver e compagno di viaggio, consigliandoci anche i posto da visitare e dove mangiare. Volendo si possono chiedere consigli a Randhir su dove alloggiare delegando la prenotazione senza sovrapprezzo. Esperienza ottima, lo consiglio. Prezzo nella media.

Stra consigliato se volete un autista top chiedere di Randheer, gentile e disponibile, molto professionale. Pianifica il viaggio anche da casa via mail e da suggerimenti intelligenti. Una garanzia

How on earth do we go about organising a trip to the Golden Triangle we asked ourselves ? A friend recommended Sumit Rajasthan Travel & straight from the first message Randhir made everything simple & hassle free with frequent communication regarding our individual requirements.
Randhir offered to book all our hotels but we decided to book them ourselves as always a bit difficult for someone to guess what we like / don't like !! So from a couple of messages we were off on an Indian Adventure!!
Randhir picked us up from the airport, waiting for us as we came through, dropped us at our hotel & later arranged for us to exchange our a much better rate than airport & hotels !! Visited the sights and finished with dinner.
Day 2 we met our driver Dhararmender, he took us wherever we wanted to visit in Delhi, no pressure on timings, just 'as you like'. This was the theme of our adventure, very chilled and relaxed despite the mayhem that was going on around us!! After our drive to Agra we met our knowledgeable guide. We highly recommend you have a guide for this part of your trip, he not only had fantastic knowledge on the Taj Mahal but skipped all the queues, borrowed us an umbrella as it rained for a short time! and made what could be a daunting & frantic experience absolutely seamless.
Off to Jaipur now ! Dhararmender was happy to start our drive when we wanted to, offered water, checked on our comfort for toilet / snack stops and made the long drive really quite enjoyable!! He stopped whenever we asked, by this point understood our love of animals so whenever anything cropped up that would be a fabulous photo he had already stopped !! We strangely became used to the mayhem on the roads and felt in very safe hands with Dhararmender's driving skills.
Although a guide was offered for Jaipur we decided to go with our own plans as wanted some r&r time at the hotel, Dhararmender was quick to remind us of our personal safety as 'tourists' and even helped us to cross the road.
We wanted to buy handmade linen clothes and Dhararmender soon recommended a place with no pressure to buy. Great service, perfect fit and even delivered to our hotel that evening.
On the way to our last hotel we were kindly invited by Randhir to stop at his family home for a homemade lunch. The food and hospitality was out of this world and a memory we will never forget.
Thanks Randhir and Dhararmender for an amazing adventure. We actually can't put into words what an awesome time we have had and if you're unsure don't be! Highly recommended

We decided to use the tour services of Mr Randhir Singh based on excellent recommendations from friends.
As we we're travelling for only a week and with our 4 year old daughter we wanted to make the most of our time and ensure we had a reliable and trustworthy driver.
We we're warmly welcomed at Delhi airport and looked after from the 1st minute until we we're dropped off. We visited some of the key sights in Delhi, before setting off to Agra to see the Taj Mahal which was fantastic and made all the better by our guide Rahul that was organised by Randhir.
Next up was our tiger safari in Ranthambore a long drive made even longer as we ended up gate crashing a religious festival. This was followed by an early morning and unfortunately we saw no tigers but it was still nice to visit the national park and see a different side to India.
We then spent two nights in Jaipur which was one of the highlights of our trip lots of amazing historical sights such as the Amber fort where we got to ride an elephant, we also managed to fit in a visit the elephant village, lots of credit to Sherma for his fantastic knowledge of Jaipur. The monkey temple is also an experience not to be missed.
Onwards we went to Neemrana where we spent the night in the Neemrana fort palace a 15th century fort converted into a hotel. We we're invited to Randhir's house in a local village for dinner and to meet his family a fantastic experience with amazing food and hospitality!
Finally a big shout out to our driver Dharamender who looked after us and drove us safely around the crazy roads of Rajasthan.
Chris and family

I always use Sumit travel and Mr. Singh whenever I come to Delhi for my travel needs. Me and my fellow cabin crew members always use Randhir as he is very safe, informative and he knows all of the best local places.
Transport is always air-conditioned and clean, we always have a little water waiting too which is a nice touch.
I have done 4 tours with Randhir now in total;
Taj Mahal twice, Delhi local city tour and local market tour, I can not recommend them enough. I plan on doing more tours next time when I arrive in India.
Always punctual and highly informative along with realistic in terms of timings, traffic and what he thinks we would like. Thanks once again! See you soon.

Rhandir muy servicial, siempre en tiempo por nosotros, buen tour por Delhi, nos llevo también en un día a ver el Taj Mahal y nos contrató un guía en español, fue perfecto!
Wifi en su coche, agua todo el tiempo nos ofrecía, y siempre con una sonrisa.
Nos divertimos mucho y la pasamos genial
Gracias Rhandir
Maria (English Language)

Siamo una coppia di Padova e abbiamo viaggiato in molti Paesi ma mai in Oriente , per cui eravamo molto preoccupati per questo viaggio. Quando stavamo cercando un autista ci siamo fidati di quello che avevamo letto su Randheer e sulla sua agenzia. E abbiamo fatto bene! Penso anzi che qualunque recensione positiva non possa esprimere davvero quello che lui ha rappresentato per noi in questo viaggio. La prima volta in India ci si sente persi nel rumore, nel traffico, nella sporcizia, circondati da persone che chiedono e offrono di tutto, ma Randheer sa come far sentire sicuri e a proprio agio i suo clienti (anzi, ospiti, perché è così che vi chiama e vi fa sentire) e vi consiglia, vi assiste e si prende cura di voi senza mai essere invadente con una pazienza e una gentilezza davvero impensabili! Prima di partire leggevo recensioni di altri che dicevano come lui fosse diventato, a fine viaggio, molto più di un autista e l'idea di condividere con uno sconosciuto il nostro viaggio di coppia mi lasciava un po' perplessa. E invece lui sa essere quasi invisibile se desiderate la vostra privacy, ma è talmente una bella persona che dopo giorni è assolutamente impossibile non iniziare a considerarlo un amico e una persona cara. Ci ha aiutato in tutto fin dall'inizio, sempre con il suo simpatico sorriso e sempre dedito a soddisfare ogni nostra esigenza. Impeccabile e professionale, ma con un grande cuore! Inoltre, il prezzo è davvero ottimo se pensate che include tutti i pedaggi e parcheggi a pagamento (e ce ne sono tantissimi!) e secondo me un servizio come il suo ha un valore davvero inestimabile!

Dear Mr Singh
I would like to thank you for the wonderful holiday I have had with your company, it was truly an amazing experience. You came highly recommended by my friends from Virgin Airlines and I was very impressed at the service I received. This was my first visit to India and as a single woman traveling alone, I felt safe from the moment of being picked up by very professional and polite drivers. The welcome I received at your house and the delicious pakora your wife made was truly special.
Every hotel I have stayed in has been very clean, the staff exceptionally hospitable and professional. The trips you organised for me, from historical places on Silk road to a night in the dessert with the camel ride. The safari where I seen two tigers and so much more, the memories will stay with me forever! I have seen the real Rajasthan not just the tourists attractions.
I cannot praise and thank you enough.
I will be promoting your company to my friends and in my social media.
There is a saying that traveling alone makes you stronger and you return home a different person. I think this is very true of the experience I have had in India. My love and respect for the Indian people will remain with me forever. When I return to India you can be certain that I will be contacting you to plan my holiday.
Best wishes and kind thoughts.
Catherine, Glasgow Scotland UK

Just returned from a wonderful trip to India very quick wistwisteria stop tour but had a great time.
Picked up promptly in Delhi and taken to Agra,and then onto jaipur and back to Delhi.
Spent 5 days seeing all of the main sights in every city.Anil our driver took us exactly where we wanted to go.
And in the way back to Delhi at the end of our trip Anil took us to Rhandeers home for lunch.
Wonderful to meet the family.
I would highly recommend this company for service and excellence.
They will Taylor a trip personal to you.
Thank you and see you again soon.
Raoul and Emily

We had limited time and Randheer tailored a trip to suit our needs, A comfortable car picked us up at Dehli and we were into it straight away seeing sights in Delhi. Cannot stress enough how safe and chilled this man is driving around, we went from having nervous meltdowns witnessing the traffic to napping every journey because of how he handles it.
All hotels were perfect for our budget and all restaurants were top quality especially the one in Udaipur !!! We packed so much in we felt like we had been away a month after the first 5 days.
Any changes to the plan were never a problem and he always found a way to fit it in ( On a very tight schedule) very well organised from start to finish with a gentleman

16/7/2019 - 26/7/2019
I am a long haul flight attendant and have travelled the World ! But this was AMAZING ! What service we received!! Delhi - Agra - Ranthambore - Jaipur - Neemeran - Delhi. Every mile as special as the next. Randhir , the tour operator , organised EVERYTHING. The trips , guides , hotels , stop offs , safaris , monkey sanctuaries , castle spas , medical emergencies , tours and charity into the poor villages , lunch with his family , informative journeys and cultural interaction ! He took us to Indian Massage havens and introduced us to dancing cobras and swimming monkeys , elephants to guide us through forts and mountains stepped in history.
Each restaurant he booked in advance for us , carefully and well chosen. He had a cake made for my birthday and was there at my side when I needed medical assistance. Every step of the way that man guided my friends and I and I trust him with my entire heart. A thorough gentleman.
Honest and reliable and the only person I know in the whole of India who every single person within the airline industry relies on for their very special travel expectations.
Please please use Sumit Rajasthan Travel. You are in the safest hands .
Namaste Randhir. Thank you for a wonderful , wonderful adventure xx

This was perfection in every way.. if I had a film crew it would be on Netflix. What a magical place India really is! I had zero expectations and it blew my big head.. our guide Randhir went above and beyond to give us all the best experience of India as possible! And he surpassed every expectation we had.. we didn't miss a thing.. he's very well organised and has the whole trip planned to perfection. He was there waiting every time he said he would be. Even though we were late most of the time.. I was worried about the roads! But I had no need to panic randhir is a very capable driver amongst all the the chaos of the bustling city's an highways.. I never do the same trip twice but I would do the golden triangle 10x words can't describe how amazing the trip and our guide was.. even down to the point where my sister had pretty bad sun stroke! And randhir new exactly what to do. He turned the car around and headed back to Jaipur hospital. Sorted everything out for her and even sat by her side the whole time until she was well again! Now what does that say! A beautiful man and a beautiful country. I wouldn't book with anyone else!! I don't want to spoil it it for you, but the little places he shows you are mind blowing!!!! And it happens when you least expect it.
Great job Randhir see you next year my friend! I'm thinking the mountains! Which his company also cover
Jody & her sister

Hi Randhir, I just want to say a massive thanks for the most wonderful service I received and experience both the driver and the guide were super and I loved every second of the what we received! I will be sure to comment on both! Thank you again and what a memorable and exceptional experience we had thanks to you and your staff!

Wir haben sehr kurzfristig eine Tour von Delhi Richtung Amritsa und am Rand des Himalaya entlang nach Mandi, Shimla, Rishikesh pp gebucht. Wir konnten die Tour spontan variieren und erweitern, standen bei Bedarf immer in Kontakt mit Mr. Singh. Unser Fahrer war ausgezeichnet, rücksichtsvoll, zuverlässig. Wir haben nur beste Erfahrungen gemacht und würden den Anbieter weiterempfehlen.

Randhir was an amazing driver for us on our day trip to the Taj Mahal. Everything was organised to perfection and we absolutely loved our day. Transport was comfortable and clean, the journey flew by. He was very informative and helpful throughout the day! Thanks so much Randhir, we will be recommending you to everyone who visits India.

We used this company to make a short trip from Delhi via Jaipur and Agra back to Delhi. From the beginning, everything was well-organized and Randhir was very helpful in answering the questions we had. Because we had a narrow time-frame of only 5-6 days, it was important to reach all our destinations in time. This worked out, as our driver was always on time and made sure that we got everywhere safely. There was even time for some interesting stops along the way, which we really appreciate. Unlike here in Europe, the trunk of the car even had space for two suitcases! Highly recommended.
Thank you,

abbiamo fatto un tour del Rajasthan più Varanasi con volo interno, l'agenzia è stata molto seria, il prezzo competitivo, auto perfetta e autisti molto bravi e puntuali. Sicuramente la consiglierei per l'affidabilità e a serietà.
Grazie a Randhir e anche ad Anil, un'autista perfetto, educato e simpatico, sempre disponibile alle nostre esigenze!
Ci hanno fatto vedere tutti i luoghi più interessanti da visitare con la massima disponibilità sugli orari e le nostre necessità

I contacted Mr Randhir because of his excellent recommendations on tripadvisor. He helped me organize a 14 day roundtrip through Rajasthan beeing very responsive and helpful with hotel recommendations and on desert or safari tours. The car a Toyota Innova is very comfortable especially on the long oveland trips and bumpy roads. But the most important is a good driver who knows the best way and how to drive safely in this caotic traffic - we had the perfect driver with Dinesh - always on time and helpful which handicraft, gems or spice shop can be trusted - as all local guides have their preferences. Will recommend Mr Randhir's services to all my family and friends who want an individual tour at a fair price in India.

We had the best day ever.
My friend and myself flew to Delhi airport.
Randhir was amazing and so professional throughout the whole day. He arranged the whole drive all the way to Agra himself, helped us find saris and then drove us all the way back to the airport on the same day as we were just staying in India for the day.
I can not recommend Randhir enough he was absolutely brilliant in every way!
Thanks again for a lovely day!
Many thanks, kelly.

Myself and four friends went to India and Randhir Singh was excellent! He picked us up promptly and drove us to the Taj Mahal. His vehicle is extremely comfortable and he provides pillows. He organised a tour guide for us which was brilliant and he was there waiting for us to bring us back. I would highly recommend Randhir's services and will be using him again!

We were extremely pleased with the service provided by Sumit Rajasthan travel, and although not cheap, think it was good value for money. We contacted Mr Singh just a week before our departure, and he was extremely helpful in assisting us to work out a personalised itinerary. During the trip, our driver, Anil, was very friendly and always calm and competent in any type of traffic situation. We felt very safe in his hands. I would definitely recommend Sumit Rajasthan travel to anyone planning to travel in this area of India.

Me and four of my friends just come back from a trip in india. We made it with Randhir Singh and it was a real good trip. We saw many beautiful monuments as the Taj Mahal in Agra or the Amber Fort in Jaipur. You can choose sumit Rajasthan taxi service for your trip whithout problem. You will like your travel for sure.

Very easily arranged this trip with Randheer Singh over email. Our driver, Tharminder, was waiting at the airport for us, then drove us to the Taj Mahal. The journey took roughly 3 1/2 hours, the car was clean and comfy. We had 3 hours at the Taj Mahal to explore but you could have as little or as much time as you liked. We then drove back to our hotel in Delhi.
Everything was excellent, highly recommend any airline crew or tourists on a strict timeframe. Will definitely use again in India.

Excellent services. I was in a wheelchair and the guide and driver were very helpful. I enjoy the day and the major sights very much
Kim Chee

24.7.-4.8. / 12.-14.8.2018
We are a family of three and this was our first time visiting India. After combing through french blogs and rewievs on TripAdvisor and reading many excellent rewievs about Rajasthan Summit Travel we decided to choose Mr. Singh. And he did not disappoint.
Mr. Singh was extremely helpful even before our arrival in India, as he looked over all our hotels and our proposed itinerary. One can easily arrange everything by email. He also books guides in different parts of Rajasthan, if necessary.
We arranged a car for about two weeks in Agra and Rajasthan (Jaipur, Pushkar, Ajmer, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jailsamer and Bikaner) and we had a woderful driver Anil. He drove very calmly and profesionally, told us a bit about every city that we went to and always helped us in any way he could, either picking the good mangoes, giving us advice on the time that we needed to take for a monumet or searchig for wet napkins. He was also very puctual. In the cities he never pushed us to buy anything and never rushed us anywhere. If you are able, request him for your driver in Rajasthan, as you won't be disappointed with him. The car was Suzuki Dezir, with good ac and was very clean every day , as he washed it quite regularly and cleaned it inside every day.
We also arranged a city tour in Delhi. Our driver there was Randhir Singh. He came with a bigger car to the airport and didn't charge extra. He also knows all the quickest ways around Delhi. Because the streets were very busy and it took a long tome to get to the hotel he answered all the questions about India very well and in a way that sometimes made us think diferently than we did before meeting him.
If we ever go to that part of India again, we will choose Anil, Randhir and his company again in a heartbeat. They made our journey infinitely better and we reccomend you to take our advice and hire this company.

Wir haben eine 10tägige Rundreise mit Randhir durch Rajasthan gemacht. Es war eine tolle Erfahrung! Randhir ist absolut zuverlässig, pünktlich und bemüht sich alle Wünsche, die unterwegs aufkommen können, zu erfüllen. Schon im Vorfeld half er uns beim Organisieren und antwortete immer sehr schnell und in sehr gutem Englisch auf unsere Fragen. Wir haben dann einfach seinen Reisevorschlag genommen, er suchte die Route und auch alle Hotels aus und wir waren sehr zufrieden. Es waren stets saubere und gepflegte kleine Hotels, teils tolle Heritage-Unterkünfte (Hawelis) und er zeigte uns landestypisches Essen. Auch bei ihm zu Hause waren wir eingeladen. Besonders gefiel mir, dass er immer wissen wollte ob wir sicher nach Hause gekommen sind, wenn wir zum Beispiel am Abend noch alleine essen waren, und wollte, dass wir uns noch einmal bei ihm per WhatsApp melden (wir sind Mutter und Tochter). Er spricht gutes Englisch und man kann mit ihm sehr nett plaudern während der langen Fahrten und er weiß viel Interessantes über dieses spannende Land zu berichten. Zudem hat er auch WiFi im Auto. :)
Ich kann ihn uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen. Danke, Randhir. :)
Daniela and Jana

Pre trip, Randhir was excellent at communicating with us with every aspect of our trip. He answered all of our questions and everything was planned to a tee.
The drivers picked us up from our hotel and took us the Taj. It was all very easy, the vans were air conditioned and comfortable and the drivers were friendly. They stop for you to use the facilities if needed and let you eat and drink if you want to.
On arrival he picked up our Tour Guide, which I highly recommend you take. He helps you through the crowds and where to go and I have no idea how we would have managed without him!
The day was great. It was very hot and the guide showed us all the best photo spots and some history of the Taj Mahal. When you leave the Taj Mahal, be prepared for all the children and women trying to sell you souvenirs and not leaving you alone.
I would definitely recommend this service to any friends on their next trip to India.
Jordan from UK

Ho scritto a Randhir perché mi era stato consigliato da una mia amica che era stata in India prima e si era trovata molto bene. Da quando l'ho contattato la prima volta fino al primo incontro si è dimostrato subito molto professionale e disponibile. Il tour poi (Delhi-Agra-Jaipur) non l'abbiamo fatto con lui come autista ma con un altro autista, utilizzando il pulmino da 8 persone.
Credo che sia la migliore soluzione di auto con autista che si possa avere per la tua vacanza e viaggio in India è ben organizzato e molto flessibile per adattarsi alle esigenze del cliente ed ai suoi desideri; sono completamente orientati a trasformare una vacanza in un'esperienza meravigliosa cercando di capire e superare aspettative dei clienti, i desideri e interessi.
Non sono una guida, ma conoscono molto bene i posti e in grado di suggerire cosa vedere, anche lungo il cammino come organizzare una piccola sosta per visitare un posto speciale.
Al di sopra di tutti, auto sempre molto, molto pulita, e lui è sempre puntualissimo.
Ottimo! Non riesco a pensare di avere un autista migliore.

We were collected from the airport exactly where we had been told to meet, which was really reassuring. The taxi ride was made comfortable with air conditioning and toilet breaks were offered if we needed them. When we got to Agra our guide met us to take us round the Taj Mahal. He was called Rahul and completely made our trip - he was informative and chatty and helpful, getting us through queues. Best of all were his photo-taking skills! As a group of girls, we all were hoping to end the day with some photos to take home with us, and Rahul knew exactly where to suggest we stand and took some lovely photos for us. We then were taken back to the taxi at the end of our trip and dropped off at the hotel. Definitely would do it all again.
Emily from UK

Ho viaggiato con Randhir lo scorso marzo per una vacanza di dieci giorni in India. Una mia collega di lavoro mi ha consigliato di contattare questa agenzia perché ci aveva già viaggiato in passato. Randhir è stato subito disponibile dalla prima a pianificare il tour sulla base delle nostre esigenze. Abbiamo viaggiato per 10 giorni con le seguenti tappe: Delhi, Varanasi, Agra, Jaipur ed Udaipur, alternando la guida in auto a dei voli interni per Varanasi e nel ritorno da Udaipur. Abbiamo apprezzato tantissimo l'organizzazione del tour e la puntualità dei nostri due autisti, uno su Varanasi e uno nel resto del tour, estremamente puntuali e disponibili.

Per un tour del Rajasthan di 15 gg con in aggiunta Varanasi con 3 voli interni pianificati per avere più tempo a disposizione, ci siamo affidate all'agenzia Sumit Rajasthan di Randhir Singh consigliata da una mia collega. L'itineriario è stato scelto da noi, e Randhir si è dimostrato subito paziente professionale e disponibile a soddisfare le nostre richieste e a fornirci consigli utili. Il prezzo è ottimo, onesto e con un buon rapporto qualità prezzo. L'auto messa a disposizione era spaziosa e pulita e con aria condizionata, tutti i trasferimenti e i vari pick-up dall'aeroporto sono stati impeccabili, e Randhir è sempre accorto che tutto venga svolto al meglio.
Abbiamo cambiato 4 autisti : Denis ci ha accompagnato per il tour più lungo nel Rajasthan, guida sicura e sempre puntuale, e persona non invadente. Anil ha provveduto a due pick-up in aeroporto, molto simpatico e di compagnia.
Abid è stato il nostro tuk-tuk driver in Varanasi, oltre alla guida sicura è una persona di cuore e premurosa che ci ha accompagnato nella visita della città, ci ha fatto sentire al sicuro ed è stato un'ottima guida.
Parmod ci ha accompagnato l'ultimo gg per la visita di Delhi prima di prendere il volo per il rientro in Italia, una persona precisa, attenta e guida prudente.
Consiglierei a tutti di appoggiarsi a Randhir in quanto il servizio offerto è di ottima qualità , professionale e con onestà nei prezzi. Inoltre gesto molto gradito è stato poterlo salutare di persona prima della partenza.

Primo viaggio in India. Siamo partiti dall'Italia con tanti timori.
Prima di partire abbiamo avuto contatti con agenzia Randhir che da subito ci ha tranquilizzati con la sua professionalità e competenza.
Già all'aereoporto fi Dahli il nostro driver Dharmender ci aspettava puntuale all'una di notte con una collana di fiori, gesto molto apprezzato.
Ci ha accompagnati per tutto di 22 giorni con professionalità competenza e discrezione, sempre attento alle nostre esigenze.
Persona molto tranquilla, facendoci sentire sicuri e a nostro agio dandoci consigli utili per la riuscita perfetta del tour.
Per un eventuale prossimo viaggio in India sicuramente ci appoggeremo a questa agenzia chiedendo del nostro Dharmender un nome una garanzia.
Grazie Dharmender Grazie Randhir

febbraio e marzo del 2018
Ho viaggiato attraverso il Rajasthan per 30 giorni tra febbraio e marzo del 2018 ed ho usufruito del servizio eccellente del sig Randheer SINGH....
Proprietario della Sumit Rajasthan Taxi servizio è stato molto professionale ed il sig.Singh è sempre pronto ad aiutarti e a soddisfare a tutte le tue richieste......consiglio a chiunque deve andare in India e specialmente in Rajasthan di contattare il Sumit Rajasthan Taxi Service.....buon viaggio a tutti....

Nous avons trouvé Randhir en cherchant sur les forums voyageurs.En fait,tout commence par une erreur, il existe 2 Randhir Sing !!!! Nous ne connaissons pas l'autre, mais nous ne regrettons pas d'avoir choisi celui de SUMIT RAJASTHAN. C'est une personne sérieuse, compétente, qui a bien compris toutes nos attentes .Nous étions attendus à 00h10, il était là, avec collier de fleurs et bouteille d'eau. Tout a été respecté, le prix plus que correct,les visites,les hôtels de charme,la nature ,la ponctualité...Une pensée particulière pour notre 'champion driver' ANIL adorable,drôle et patient avec notre déplorable anglais, serviable,de bons conseils pour les restos ,une voiture reluisante tous les jours........Et pour finir Randhir a eu la gentillesse de nous inviter à déjeuner dans son village. Délicate attention.18 jours inoubliables en Inde
Merci Randhir et Anil
Monique et François

Amazing, amazing, amazing. Cannot recommend this service enough. Randhir Singh our driver was very professional and extremely friendly. He also recommended to get a tour guide around the Taj Mahal and it was the best advise given. Had we not taken his advise we would've been totally lost with regards to purchasing tickets and getting to the front of the queues. Thank you so much for a unforgettable experience and beautiful memories.

Randhir hat uns in seinem Toyota Innova 8 Tage lang durch Nordindien gefahren und wir waren rundum zufrieden. Sein ruhiger und sicherer Fahrstil (im Rahmen der indischen Möglichkeiten), sowie sein empathisches Verhalten unseren Wünschen und Gewohnheiten gegenüber sucht seinesgleichen.
Auf unserer Route (Neu-Delhi - Agra - Orchha - Khajuraho - Varanasi - Agra - Jaipur - Neu-Delhi) haben wir uns bei der Auswahl der Hotels und Restaurants vollkommen auf ihn verlassen und wurden nicht enttäuscht. Er hat uns nie in Touristenfallen geschleppt. Im Gegenteil, die Hotels waren stets sauber und servierten indisches Frühstück, wie wir uns das gewünscht hatten, und wir haben immer sehr lecker, preiswert und landestypisch zu Mittag und zu Abend gegessen.
Sehr angenehm war auch, dass Randhir immer gut gelaunt und pünktlich war. Die Unterhaltungen mit ihm auf den oft langen Autofahrten waren humorvoll und mit viel landeskundlichem Wissen gespickt, so dass nie Langeweile aufkam. Er spricht gut verständliches Englisch und weiß sehr viel über sein eigenes Land. Gleichzeitig möchte ich betonen, dass wir die Gesprächsmenge als sehr angenehm empfunden haben und uns weder dauerbeschallt noch vernachlässigt gefühlt haben, im Gegensatz zu dem was mir schon mit anderen Fahrern in Indien passiert ist. Seine vielen Tipps haben uns sicher, gesund und sehr zufrieden durch Indien gebracht.
Fazit: Randhir ist als Fahrer und Tour-Organisator absolut empfehlenswert!

feb 3 to feb 11 2018
We traveled with my wife to India from from feb 3 to feb 11 with Randhir. He picked us up at Delhi Airport late at night and dropped us in our hotel and than he drove us through Rajasthan than Agra for about 8 days. He is an excellent driver to begin. It's not a luxury in India. He is very calm and very friendly. He knows when to propose help and he also knows when to let his clients on their own enjoying their moments. He was very fast in responding to my inquiries before I booked him. He proposed a nice itinerary. He proposed to book hotels for me though he also offered me to book on my own. I checked the places he proposed: they were about what I was aiming for and his price was about the same to what I found online. I asked him to book for me and It was really a nice choice.
Randhir taught us a lot about India and indian culture, religions and other things. I recommand him 1000000%.
Salah from French

Dal 15 gennaio al 14 febbraio, questo il tempo trascorso in India.
Volevo visitare tutto il Rajasthan partendo da New Delhi poi Mandawa, Bikaner, Jaisalmer, Osian, Jodhpur, Bishnoi village, Mount Abu, Rankapur, Udaipur, Chittorgarh, Kota, Bundi, Ajmer, Pushkar, Jaipur, Fatehpur Sikri, Gwalior, Orchha, Khajuraho, Chitrakoot, Varanasi, Sarnath, Allahabad, Agra, Mathura e ritorno a New Delhi.
Le varie possibilita' erano usare treni e mezzi pubblici (cose che si fanno a 20 anni e con molto tempo), unirsi ad un gruppo con viaggio organizzato (costoso e troppi vincoli), noleggiare un auto (guidano da pazzi senza nessuna regola), usare un noleggio con conducente.
Abbiamo scelto questa ultima opzione e cercando su internet (forum, blog, ecc...), dopo aver contattato una decina di agenzie indiane che offrivano i servizi che noi richiedevamo, abbiamo scelto Randhir.
Dopo diverse email di aggiustamento del viaggio dovute per permettere tappe umane (la media e' di 40 km/h), alberghi dove e come volevamo e vedere tutto comodamente, abbiamo concordato il nostro viaggio che comprendeva tutti gli alberghi con aria condizionata, bagno privato e colazione, la macchina con autista per tutto il viaggio a nostra disposizione, compreso vitto e alloggio del conducente, benzina, parcheggi, tasse, pedaggi, permessi e assicurazioni.
Escluso tutti i pasti, tutte le mance, gli ingressi ai vari monumenti/templi...
L'agenzia di Randhir ha tre o quattro autisti e noi abbiamo viaggiato con Nandu.
In genere la mattina dopo la colazione, si parte alle 9, Nandu guida fino alla prossima citta' fermandosi nelle varie tappe lungo la strada.
Molto attento alle soste e alla qualita dei bagni dove sostare ;-) !!!
Chiaramente ogni cliente e' diverso, quindi se qualcosa non ci andava bene e' bastato parlare con Nandu o al limite con Randhir.
Ad esempio le prime volte per pranzo si fermava in ristoranti troppo 'turistici' (del tipo a buffet dove vengono rigettati pulman di pensionati) mentre noi preferiamo il ristorante usato dagli indiani (vi assicuro che sono 'puliti' nello stesso modo!!!).
Un paio di volte l'albergo e' stato cambiato durante il tragitto, (adducendo che quello nuovo era migliore) abbiamo controllato e in un caso abbiamo accettato mentre in un altro abbiamo chiesto (e ottenuto) quello concordato.
Sicuramente tanto dipende dall'autista e devo dire che Nandu e' sempre
stato molto gentile e pronto, senza forzarci mai piu' di tanto.
PS ho apprezzato tantissimo la puntualita' di Nandu, che in India e' una cosa non scontata.
In definitiva lo consiglio a tutti.
Paolo & Stefania

We had a long tour (15 days) around North India and we enjoyed so much it. They all speak good english and they are really flexible and available with tourists.
They know where to bring tourists for healthy and hygienic restauranta and hotel. And believe me, it is not always expected when you are in India. Therefore you can rely on them!
In particular, our driver was super professional (always on time and very respectful of our needs and choices). He also added information when you are going sightseeing. His name was Anil.
Very recommended and professional service! They definitively take care of everything... Really recommend for foreigners!!

We visited India in December 2017 / January 2018 and we spent a 9 day trip with Randhir. We visited Delhi, Jaipur and Agra first. Everything was perfect organized and Randhir was always on time. He is a very careful driver and his new car was very comfortable. I am happy to have chosen Randhir. He recommended restaurants and he organized a guide for Agra and Jaipur. That was great, too. On our way to the airport we visited his village and his family, because we wanted to know the real Indian life. Thank you so much for this experience! We had a great stay and a wonderful dinner prepared by his lovely wife. After our roundtrip with Randhir we spent three days in Varanasi. That was also perfect organized by Randhir. We had a good tuk tuk driver and amazing days. I can highly recommend Randhir. We were two women and we felt safe all time. He took good care of everything. For further questions contact me: (if you are interested, please ask me for Seda's e-mail-address)

Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert!
So lässt sich unsere Fazit nach über 2 Wochen Indien zusammenfassen.
Wir waren zu zweit unterwegs. (M. und S. aus München).
Bereits im August 2015 (M. hatte ich das große Glück mit dem Fahrer Herrn D.S. unterwegs sein zu dürfen). Schon damals war ich zu 100 Prozent zufrieden.
Ausstattung des Autos: bequem auch bei längeren Fahrten, viel Platz, ausreichend Stauraum, u.a. Klima, Interieur mit weißen gereinigten Sitzbezügen.
Wasser in versiegelten Flaschen wurde für uns immer in ausreichender Menge vorgehalten.
Unser Fahrer war immer gut gelaunt, adrett gekleidet und ging auf unsere individuellen Wünsche ein, war stets freundlich und flexibel was z.B. die morgentliche Abfahrtszeit betraf. Herr D.S. unser Fahrer war während unseres 2 wöchigen Aufenthalts stets sehr zuverlässig.
Besonders wertvoll für uns waren in diesem Zusammenhang seine Erfahrungen und regionalen Kenntnisse, sowie die uns erteilten Tipps und Ratschläge. Man merkt, dass Herrn D. sein anstrengender und verantwortungsvoller Beruf als Driver viel Spaß und Freude macht und für ihn eine Erfüllung ist.
Bei der Besichtigung vieler Sehenswürdigkeiten und Städte vermittelte uns unser Fahrer Touristen Guides, die uns dann für ca. 500 Rupies pro Person umherführten und uns eine wertvolle Hilfe waren.
Wer schon mal in Indien war weiß, dass es hier oft andere Verkehrsregeln gibt. Wir haben uns während der gesamten Reisestrecke von über 2.800 Kilometern durch Indien stets sicher gefühlt. Herr D.S. ist ein sehr erfahrener Fahrer, den so schnell nichts aus der Ruhe bringen kann.
Ausstattung der Hotels: Wir hatten bewusst die preisgünstigere Alternative gewählt. Diese Hotels sind natürlich keine 5 Sterne Hotels. Was Schlafkomfort und Sauberkeit betrifft, waren wir ebenso zufrieden wie mit dem Frühstück und der Lage der Hotels. Einfach top Auswahl, auch viele sog. Havelis waren dabei.
Alles war perfekt durchorganisiert. Ein großes Lob an die Reiseorganisation!
Der Reiseverlauf fand so statt wie vertraglich beschlossen. Alle Leistungen wurden so erbracht wie vereinbart.
Natürlich kann man alles auch auf eigene Faust planen und unternehmen. Für unsere Tour durch Radjasthan hätten wir dann aber bestimmt 3 mal solange benötigt (also 6 Wochen) und vermutlich dann auch nur die Hälfte der Essentials gesehen.
Bestimmt werden wir wieder einmal dieses wunderbare Land bereisen.
Wir werden auch diese traumhaft Reise sicherlich noch sehr lange in guter Erinnerung behalten.
München, 09.01.2017

Arrivés à Delhi, nous souhaitions visiter l'Inde par nous-mêmes en prenant des trains ou des bus. Après 3 jours, nous nous sommes rendus compte des distances indiennes et des difficultés à nous rendre quelque part sans être harcelés par les tuk tuk, les rabatteurs etc. Les services de Randhir nous avaient été conseillés par des amis et nous l'avons donc contacté pour nous organiser un tour du Rajasthan. En 20 minutes, Randhir m'a envoyé 2 propositions : chauffeur et chauffeur+hôtels. 2 minutes plus tard, nous lui donnions notre accord sur la 2eme option. Notre chauffeur Anil nous a cherchés le lendemain à notre hôtel. Véhicule impécable, chauffeur adorable bien que réservé mais tjr très professionnel et souriant, hôtels très corrects avec petit-déjeuner et bien situés. Ravis de notre tour du Rajasthan, nous avons demandé à Randhir s'il pouvait aussi nous trouver un chauffeur pour le Sud de l'Inde. En quelques heures, ce fut chose faite et nous avons passé également un excellent séjour au Kerala et au Tamil Nadu. Avec Randhir Singh vous avez la garantie d'un contact sympathique, professionnel, de réponses rapides et d'un excellent séjour sans prise de tête. Je recommande vivement !

My fiancée and I were in India for a wedding back in November 2017. Randhir was recommended to me by a coworker and the recommendation could have not been more accurate. We started talking as I was planning our vacation, and Randhir helped with the itinerary as well.
We were picked up from the airport in Jaipur early in the morning and taken on an all day tour around the city and the Amber fort with Rajsherma who works with Randhir in Jaipur. Rajsherma was extremely knowledgeable, had a very good sense of humor and helped us avoid some common tourist pitfalls.
Next tour was from New Delhi to Agra. Randhir picked us up from our hotel and was flexible when we were running late. He drove very safely in the madness of Delhi traffic and connected us with Jit in Agra. Jit was very knowledgeable as well and offered to take pictures of us at Taj Mahal that we will be keeping forever - he knew all the good spots and was very good with the camera.
On the last day, Randhir toured us around New Delhi, was very pleasant and drove very safely.
All the services were offered at very fair prices in our opinion and we felt the need to tip on top of the quoted prices because the services exceeded our expectations.
I recommend Sumit Rajasthan Taxi Service very highly.
Elias from us 2/4/2018

My friend and I were picked up from our hotel in New Dehli by our driver. He took us to the Taj Mahal in Agra first of all. He arranged our tuk tuk to take us straight to the entrance and pick us up again at a fixed price which was very handy. We then went straight to Jaipur and spent 2 days there. Our driver took us to all the sights and shared his good knowledge with us. We then had a long drive to Udaipur where we spent 3 days enjoying the rooftop restaurants and great shopping. Lastly we had another drive to Pushkar where we spent a day relaxing and shopping. One last VERY long drive back to Dehli. We did the whole trip in a week which involved a lot of driving and we are very thankful to our driver for this as it must have been exhausting for him.
Thoroughly recommend this taxi service as all of our needs were met in the short space of time we had. Thank you!

I visited the Taj Mahal with a couple of friends from work. I emailed the night before and got a speedy response. I was advised of all the info of what to do when I got there, including which exit to take.
We were greeted by our driver who gave a flower necklace. That was a really nice touch. After working all day, sleep was my priority and I felt safe and comfortable enough to do that with our driver.
When we arrived at Agra, we met with our guide a well dressed, well mannered and English spoken gentleman. I must say, we were very impressed with the guide. He was well informed and patient with us. He knew all the right places to take pictures and event took them for us. I feel bad for not remembering our driver and guides names because they were very kind people.
Overall, I had a wonder time and would highly recommend taking your tour with Randhir and his company.

We booked Randhir's tour service for 10 days on our trip to India. We booked a tour to take in Delhi, Agra, Ranthambore (where we went on a tiger safari!) Jaipur, Neemrana and back to Delhi.
All hotels were booked for us, (all good hotels and seemed to get better at every stop, the one in Neemrana was stunning!!) as well as the car and driver for the whole tour. Must see attractions were on the itinerary all along the way. Our driver was friendly and courteous (supplied us with plenty of cold bottles of water every day) and the car was clean and a/c was lovely. Icing on the cake was being invited to have dinner with Randhir at his home. Amazing home cooked food and hospitality. All pre booking and pre visit questions were answered promptly. Definitely worth booking if you're planning a visit to India.

Très bonne organisation avec Randhir, toujours aux petits soins. Excellent choix des visites et des hotels. Randhir a su nous emmener hors des sentiers battus et nous avons passé en sa compagnie 15 jours de rêve au Rajasthan. Merci Randhir !!!
Remi & Patricia

Unser Reise in den Norden von Indien
Wir waren zwei Wochen mit ihrem Fahrer Ram im Norden von Indien unterwegs. Es war eine sehr beeindruckende Reise. Unser Guide war immer sehr nett und zuvorkommend. Wir haben eine wunderschöne Zeit erlebt.
Die Tour war perfekt organisiert, es war ein Super Erlebnis in die Kultur Indiens ein zu tauchen. Immer wieder gern,sehr zu empfehlen.
Liebe Grüße von Marion und Yvonne aus Deutschland
Wir waren auf einer zwei Wochen im Norden Indiens unterwegs, von Chandigarh nach Shimla, Manali, Daramshala und Amritsar... Es war eine wunderschöne Tour. Alles war perfekt organisiert und unser Guide war immer pünktlich an Ort und Stelle. Wir können dieses Unternehmen nur empfehlen... Danke für die interessante und erlebnisreiche Tour. Wir waren voll auf zufrieden und begeistert, dass alles so reibungslos geklappt hat.

Nous avons passé 10 jours avec Randhir à travers le Rajasthan et nous en gardons un souvenir inoubliable!!!
Nous lui avons fait entièrement confiance pour l'organisation du séjour, la réservation des hôtels et des restaurants et nous n'avons jamais été déçu!
Il a était à l'écoute, et nous a donné de très bon conseils pendant tout notre séjour.
Grace à lui nous avons passé de superbes vacances et nous l'en remercions!!!
Cédric and Sarah

Picked up straight from the airport, the lovely Randhir drove us 3 hours to the Taj Mahal, waited for us then drove us 3 hours to our hotel. Very safe and trustworthy. Great service, Highly recommend.

Randir was recommended to us by friends from a previous trip.
We were picked up from the Airport on arrival, Randir was waiting with a welcome sign and we were greeted with Flower Garlands.
Such a lovely Welcome to India!!
Randir was friendly, professional and drove safely.
Transport was very comfy so even though it was a long journey we were able to sleep and he also had wifi so the journey felt much quicker.
Highly recommended.
Thank you

I highly recommend the service provided by Randhir along with the tour guide he works in conjunction with, Jeet Singh. Communication before we arrived at Delhi airport was good and Randhir met us with a sign, he was very easy to locate. The drive was comfortable with air conditioning and wifi available. We met our guide, Jeet on arrival. He was friendly, knowledgeable and definitely enhanced the experience. His assistance with getting the best photographs was invaluable! All in all a wonderful experience.

So I have just returned back from Delhi where we used the Taxi service provided by Randhir through Sumit Rajasthan Taxi Service. Our driver Dinesh was friendly, professional and most accommodating. Randhir had arranged our whole day for us from collecting us at the airport, driving to Agra, a tour guide but the name of Raoul taking us round the Taj Mahal and back again. It was a long day from start to finish but the information and detail that was explained was just incredible. I would not hesitate to recommend using this service again!
Tim Davey

Randhir and our driver Anil have been shown since our arrival in Delhi kind and helpful to our every request. The trip was very well organized making the most of the short time available to see as many things as possible. We recommend booking a trip with his agency and if we come back to India surely there still be addressing them.
Teresa and Sara

I definitely would recommend Randhir service: we were 5 friends and booked with him a tour of Rajasthan. I am very satisfied by the whole experience, before arriving in India Randhir has been very helpful with the organization of the tour, giving precise details and always answering quickly to my e-mails.
Once arrived he has provided us with top quality service, especially regarding comfort of the car (car had good A/C system and he always provided us with fresh bottled water) and safety (street driving in India is crazy and Randhir has always been a careful driver). Thank you again Randhir!!
Giulia from Italy

Siamo 6 ragazzi che hanno prenotato un tour di 15 giorni dall'Italia.
Randhir, il nostro riferimento, è stato sin da subito molto disponibile, ci ha accolto in aereo porto e ci ha portato a notte inoltrata fino in hotel. Nei giorni seguenti abbiamo seguito il nostro itinerario (delhi-agra-varanasi-khajurao-orchha-bharatpur-jaipur-pushkar). Agra-varanasi e varanasi-khajurao sono stati i tragitti più lunghi (circa 14 ore ma l'autista le ha rette bene).
Abbiamo avuto molta flessibilità riguardo gli spostamenti infatti abbiamo modificato più volte il percorso e le visite a seconda delle nostre esigenze.
Unica pecca è stata la poca conoscenza dell'inglese da parte del nostro autista(comunque sempre disponibile e riservato), ma comunque siamo riusciti a farci capire. L'esperienza ardua che ti offre la quotidianità indiana è stata agevolata dal servizio ricevuto.

'Il valore aggiunto del nostro viaggio nel Rajasthan'
Siamo partiti in tre (due ragazzi e una ragazza) per scoprire la bellissima e affascinante regione indiana del Rajasthan. Non è la prima volta che abbiamo viaggiato in Asia: siamo, come dicono gli spagnoli, aficionados di quelle terre. Proprio per le nostre esperienze pregresse, volevamo che il nostro viaggio mantenesse determinati standard (d'altronde è il viaggio dell'anno, no?!). e così è stato grazie al supporto e all'organizzazione di Randheer Singh e della sua agenzia. Il driver è sempre stato gentile e disponibile, si è sempre accertato che tutto andasse per il meglio (anche nella scelta degli alberghi dove pernottare) e che non fossimo truffati (cosa che in India puì accadere sovente). Sempre sorridente, ci ha trovato anche delle ottime guide per visitare monumenti e punti di interesse. I viaggi in macchina non sono mai stati tanto divertenti ed entusiasmanti!
Unico consiglio: chiedere di evitare i ristoranti troppo turistici. Per il resto è stato un servizio a '4 stelle'!

Randhir was very organised and picked us up from our hotels on time. The car was air conditioned and he was a safe driver.
The only point to be aware of was that there were 6 of us and there were only 5 seats. The 6th person had to squeeze between two seats in the back with no seat belt.
Would definitely recommend Randhir for groups of 5 and under. Great value for money and no hassle to organise.
Thanks Randhir!

I recently met Randhir and took a trip to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal. I am very satisfied by the whole experience I had, as Randhir was an excellent driver and communicated all the details of our trip beforehand. It was an easy to arrange trip and even without previous notice he suggested a tour guide for the Taj Mahal visit who was also very knowledgeable. Randhir is a very friendly and helpful guy who I strongly recommend to book in advance for your trips in India. I look forward to organise another excursion to visit a different city and use Randhir's company services again in the future. Thank you!

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Randheer Singh




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Randheer Singh

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